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Do I have to pay a second delivery fee if I miss the delivery, and the delivery person has to return a second time?
Do I have to pay a second delivery fee if I miss the delivery, and the delivery person has to return a second time?
Updated over a week ago

Our Delivery Executives will wait for up to 15 minutes at a customer's location, after which he/she will unfortunately have to move onto his/her next order. If neither the Delivery Executive nor a representative from our office is able to reach you during this 15 minute period and you later on make a request for the delivery to be reattempted, this will attract a $450 re-delivery fee ($550 for deliveries over 5km).

To avoid this situation, please ensure that the phone number you enter while placing your order is correct and that you also keep an eye out for the email/app notifications that will inform you of when the Delivery Executive has left the restaurant and/or arrived at your location.

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